Farmhand - Stanford GSB 2008

An insiders view of the Stanford GSB class of 2008

Location: Stanford, United States

hitching a ride across the galaxy with my towel

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Did you know that there is a blogging feature in Word07?

I am not sure if this is a neat feature, but I can now write documents in word and then publish directly from word onto various blogging platforms (blogger, typepad, etc.). Another example of Web2.0? To create a blog article, click on the "new document" and select "blog".

Perhaps the only big utility of this feature is that I can write things to post on my blog on the computer offline. Previously I did that by writing emails and queuing them in my outbox. Guess this is more efficient. Hmm…

The coming weekend is the admit weekend. Woohoooo! We are really excited to host R1 admits. I personally am quite involved in several activities ranging from a campus tour to housing tours to facilitating study groups. It should we fun and we look forward to hosting you (if you are reading this) on the farm. And also make sure that you make the right choice ;).

Will definitely post stuff on this spot about my admit weekend experience (from a student's perspective and not the applicant';).

Cheers and have a great weekend…



Blogger sorebrek said...

My favorite offline blogging tool was w.bloggar. But I am sure there are several new ones out there.

Out admit weekend 1 was a couple of weeks ago. Sheesh - more offline.

4:22 PM  
Blogger JuiceMeUp said...

Hmmm, hitching a ride across the galaxy with your towel, well i say for me it's a pretty neat experience learnt from this hitchhiker about galaxies and MBA. (I've paid my respects to your dear departed old blog)

2:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Ash,

Your blog is great. Keep it up. What happens during the admit weekend? how important was it for you in making your decision to attend Stanford?

3:55 PM  

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